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What are the Highrise Community Guidelines?
What are the Highrise Community Guidelines?

Make sure to read our guidelines to ensure you're following our community standards

Updated this week

We love bringing people together through play at Highrise. That’s why we built it! The friendships that are formed by thousands of people on Highrise every day are what drive us to create this special world. And we plan on continuing to build and evolve our world for as long as we can.

We’ve developed a set of guidelines that help us (and you!) build and support a strong and positive community.

When playing Highrise your goals should be:

To create wholesome content and interact with other players in positive ways that foster friendships and exploration. You should never interact with players with the intent of being negative or discouraging. You should also never create content with the intent to anger other players or illicit adverse reactions.

The following is awesome and will ensure you and everyone around you has a wonderful time on Highrise:

- Meeting new people and making friends.
- Designing unique rooms and experiences for everyone on Highrise to enjoy.
- Joining Crews and participating in events to win special items.
- Decorating avatars and discovering 1000s of unique avatar clothes.

You’ll find our community guidelines below. Please make sure to review and follow them to ensure you have a fantastic experience on Highrise.

Age requirements:

You must be 13 or older to play Highrise, and the discovery of anyone under the age of 13 will result in an immediate permanent account suspension. To use voice features or inbox media messages, you need to be 18 or older.

If you are wrongly suspended for being underage, you can contact our concierge team to verify your age and have the suspension removed.

Child endangerment:

We take the safety of all of our young players seriously. This is one of our most important guidelines and is a high priority for our trust and safety team. We have a zero-tolerance policy and do not allow any type of actions that could put our young players in danger or inappropriate situations. This includes but is not limited to the following:

- Any sexualization of children

- Child grooming or any type of predatory behavior
- Misrepresenting yourself/age in order to speak to young players
- Posting images, videos, or audio displaying children in sexual situations

All confirmed reports of child endangerment will be reported to the authorities via The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children or other relevant legal channels.

Sharing NSFW content:

Highrise is a safe place to make friends and build experiences. It is not the place for any type of sexually graphic or gratifying content or behavior. Sharing text posts, photos, videos, audio, or participating in NSFW chats is not allowed, and will result in a permanent suspension if persistent inappropriate behavior is discovered.

To protect our younger players, we make no exceptions on content containing nudity or sexual content, even if it’s intended to be artistic or for educational purposes.

Lewd content:

We do not allow sharing lewd content. This includes things such as, but are not limited to:

- Photos/videos in lingerie
- Photos/videos that are intended to be provocative or sexual
- Photos/videos of sex toys
- Room names or furniture organized in a sexually themed way
- Anything else we deem inappropriate

Please keep in mind that context matters, so if you post a photo in swimwear at a beach, that’s totally fine!

Sexual services:

We do not allow players to offer sexual services of any type on Highrise, nor link to any sexual content outside of Highrise. This includes, but is not limited to:

- Offering nude photos or video

- Offering sexual text or voice chats
- Offering access to off-app sites or applications where players can view sexual content
- Including info in your bio that leads to websites that display sexual/NSFW content
- Sending links in public or private chats to websites that display sexual/NSFW content

Illegal activities:

Any illegal activities are prohibited on Highrise. If we discover any players violating the law, it may result in a permanent suspension of your account. This includes, but is not limited to:

- Posting content that includes or promotes the use of illegal narcotics
- Posting content of yourself or others committing criminal acts
- Posting content that violates the intellectual property or copyright law

Targeted harassment, bullying, or hate speech:

Do not engage in or post content encouraging the harassment or bullying of individuals or communities. If someone is harassing you or your community, be proactive and block them immediately.

We don’t allow any hate speech, which includes but is not limited to: racist, homophobic, sexist, or hateful religious remarks. We will take action against any hateful conduct. We respect all communities and protected classes and do our best to ensure they have a safe experience on Highrise.

Threatening players:

Sharing content that is directly threatening someone's physical or financial state. Do not threaten to harm other players in any way. This includes, but is not limited to:

- Making terroristic threats of physical harm
- Threatening to blackmail or expose other players
- Threatening the family members of other players
- Threatening to locate another player
- Posting photos of weapons, even if legally owned, with threatening captions or comments or any ill intent

Threatening to dox players:

Do not share or threaten to share the personal information of another player. This includes but is not limited to:

- Home address
- Phone number
- Email
- Social Security number
- Private photos/videos

Please remember to always respect the privacy of other players.

Multiple accounts:

Ever feel like your own best friend? We won’t judge if you want to make a crew with 10 copies of yourself. Been there, done that. It’s totally okay to own more than one Highrise account. However, it’s not okay to use multiple accounts to hurt the community or gain an unfair advantage. We will take action if you are:

- Using other accounts as a way to break the rules anonymously
- Attempting to contact someone who has blocked you
- Creating a large number of accounts to gain masses of rewards from events, offers, spins, etc.
- Avoiding a temporary or permanent account suspension


Circumventing tools that enable players to protect themselves and/or repeatedly targeting a player with unwanted friend requests or messages. Do not create spam accounts for the sake of annoying players with requests or other tactics. Do not disguise yourself in an attempt to contact someone who has blocked you. If a player has blocked you, you’ll need to respect their decision. If you continue to contact a player that has blocked you this is considered harassment and your account may be suspended as a result.

Glorifying or promoting self-harm or suicide:

This includes any content that encourages others to cut or injure themselves; embrace anorexia, bulimia, or other eating disorders; or commit suicide rather than for example, seeking counseling or treatment. Online communities have the power to lift people up from dark places - be the kind of person who lifts others. If you notice that someone is in need of urgent help, please contact your local authorities.

Self-destructive behavior:

Posting any content where you are endangering yourself is prohibited on Highrise. This includes, but is not limited to:

- Self-harm
- Threats of suicide
- Dangerous activity that could result in physical harm
- Dangerous use of illegal drugs
- Consuming a dangerous amount of alcohol

Even if these posts are made for entertainment purposes or as jokes we will take action when we feel this behavior could lead to you being harmed.

If you, yourself, are having thoughts of self-injury or suicide, here’s what you can do to receive support:

  1. Talk to a hotline representative -

  1. Reach out to someone you trust. Seek support from your friends, family, teachers, or anyone else you trust, and let them know how you’re feeling. If you have trouble bringing up this topic to those close to you, you could start out by saying, “I’m going through a hard time right now and I was hoping I could share what’s been on my mind with you. Do you have time to listen?” or “I’m feeling ______, and I would like to talk to someone about it. If this is okay with you, can we sit down together and chat?” and expand further from there.

  2. Seek help from a local self-care expert:

  3. If it’s an emergency, please contact 911 or your local hospital for immediate help.


Sharing any content containing gore and/or animal cruelty. Do not share or post content for sadistic pleasure, glorification, or celebration of violence. We do allow exceptions for hobbies that may be misclassified under this guideline, such as hunting. If you are simply sharing a trophy photo, for example, this would be okay.


One of the best parts of Highrise is being able to trade all the fun, unique items our community has to offer. Be careful, though! Some players might try to steal your gold or items through social manipulation or trading antics. When trading, we always recommend using our storefront trade system or Market. Make sure to review the trade window before confirming your trade.

Anyone attempting to scam through our trading system will be actioned. This means:

- Removing offered items in the trade window at the last second
- Sending fake tip messages in the chat window
- Asking for your account information for any reason
- Offering payment or other exchanged goods outside of Highrise

When these scams are reported to us, we will do our best to investigate and take appropriate action.

Sometimes, you may be invited to participate in - shall we call them - alternate trading methods. We can’t enforce these types of trades, so engage them at your own risk:

- Borrowing gold or items with the promise of returning them later
- Giving someone gold or items first and allowing them to pay for it later
- Reserving items with a deposit payment
- Promising to pay via tips after an item is traded
- Designing rooms or creating artwork in exchange for gold or items
- Player-made events or giveaways with entry fees or prizes

All trades are final, so please be extra cautious when trading! Highrise will not be able to return stolen gold or items.

Crew Event Minimums

Creating a crew is a big responsibility! You can set your own rules for who you accept into your crew and how each member is expected to behave. This means that if you set ticket minimums for eventing, you are in charge of vetting and selecting crew members you believe are capable of helping your team achieve its goals. We aren’t able to enforce crew-specific ticket minimums, or if someone decides not to participate in an event after joining. If you do set ticket minimums or other rules for your crew, make sure everyone is informed and on the same page!

Bug abuse:

Do not exploit any bugs or errors that you discover on Highrise for your personal gain. If you discover an exploit, report it to our concierge team immediately, and you will be rewarded with a bug bounty. If you fail to report an exploit and instead decide to abuse it, your account will be suspended and potentially permanently removed.

Offline trading:

We do not allow the trading of accounts, items, or gold in exchange for money outside of the Highrise trading system. This is unsafe, as there is no guarantee of either party honoring the transaction. Buying accounts, items, or gold for money outside of the Highrise trading system will result in the removal of those items and possibly a temporary/permanent suspension.

Accounts cannot be traded, sold, or given away. All accounts must be used by their original creator. If you advertise that you are buying, selling, or giving away an account, you may be temporarily suspended or even permanently banned. If you violate this guideline and it results in you being scammed, our concierge team will not be able to help.


Attempting to steal another player’s account will result in a permanent ban. This includes sending password requests to support for accounts that don’t belong to you, brute force hacking another player’s account or any other method of account theft.


Spamming is not permitted on Highrise. Spamming is defined as the following actions performed on a mass scale which includes, but is not limited to:

- Making multiple comments of the same message with the intent to disrupt players
- Tagging players multiple times with the intent to disrupt them
- Sending multiple messages messaging both in-room or a players inbox with the intent to disrupt them

- Using macros, scripts, or any other methods to spam in a room chat


Do not create impostor accounts pretending to be a Highrise staff member, a celebrity, or another player. Be who you wanna be, but don’t attempt to use someone else’s authority or reputation to influence the community.

Witch hunting:

Witch-hunting sounds like a great pastime if you live in 17th-century New England. However, we don’t allow any form of witch-hunting on Highrise.

This action is classified as any type of public accusation, call to action, or other targeted harassment against another player, including but not limited to: public posts about another player, screenshots of your conversations, in-room campaigns, and the creation of hashtags designed to rally the community against a specific player.

If someone is breaking our guidelines, your best course of action is to block and report them using our in-app reporting system. Witch-hunting is never okay, frequently involves false accusations, and creates a toxic environment of hate for all players involved. You have the power to help keep our community safe and welcoming, and taking part in witch-hunting behavior is the antithesis of what we’re working to build together.

Ban evasion:

We do not allow players to create new accounts to circumvent a suspension. All suspensions will last until their expiration or a successful appeal. If you’ve been suspended permanently, then we have decided to no longer allow you to use our application in any capacity unless otherwise stated. If you decide to create a new account to circumvent a suspension, then it is subject to being suspended as well.

Fraudulent refund requests:

Submitting false or dishonest refund requests to Apple, Google, or Highrise directly may result in your account being permanently suspended.

Abusing the report system:

Our reporting tool helps us keep the community safe, but don’t misuse it! Sending false reports, faking evidence, or sending multiple reports about the same issue is prohibited.

Submitting false support requests:

If you’re experiencing a particular issue, like missing gold from an in-app purchase or a technical glitch, feel free to contact us from FAQ & Support, and we’d be more than happy to assist you. However, please note that submitting false requests to our support team may result in a permanent suspension of your account. Some false requests include but are not limited to:

- Sending requests containing false information or information cherry-picked with the intent to manipulate our concierge staff.

- Requesting access to accounts that do not belong to you.
- Submitting false claims about missing gold or items.
- Repeatedly requesting more information or a different outcome for an issue where our position has already been made clear.

Consequences and actions:

- Breaking our guidelines can result in a warning, mute, temporary suspension, or permanent ban. The actions we take are decided on a case-by-case basis and at our discretion.
- We reserve the right to take action for any reason we deem against our community principles, even if they are not specifically covered in these guidelines.
- Depending on the type of guideline broken, if you are permanently suspended, you are no longer allowed to play Highrise on any accounts.
- If you have more than one account, we reserve the right to take action against any and all of your accounts. This means creating an alternate account to violate our guidelines will result in your main account also having action taken against it.
- You are responsible for your account. This means any violation that occurs on your account, even by another person, will result in that account having action taken against it.

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