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Staying Safe on Highrise
Staying Safe on Highrise

Tips to stay safe on Highrise

Updated over a month ago

At Highrise, our number one goal is for players to connect from around the world and come together to have fun in a safe and welcoming environment. To ensure the safety of our players, we have a host of tools players can use (and some working in the background) to keep them safe from bad actors. This guide will go through those tools and offer some general tips so that you can keep yourself as safe as possible while playing.

Wait until at least 13 to play; 17+ is ideal

The suggested age to play Highrise is 17+, with the minimum being 13. We’ve chosen this recommended age because many of our players tend to be on the older side and may discuss topics or use language not suitable for young children. Please note that regardless of your age, sexual content is not allowed on Highrise.

If we have reasons to believe a player might be younger than 13 years of age, and they are not able to provide proof of their age, they will be removed from the app.

Keep your information private

When chatting with other players, it’s impossible to know their true identity or intentions. To protect yourself, never share personal information such as your home address, phone number, real name, or social media links. Additionally, never share your account details, even if someone promises rewards like ‘free gold’—these are scams designed to steal your items.

If a player sends you a link to an off-app website or form requesting your Highrise details, do not click it. These links are often phishing attempts to access your account or install malicious software. Instead, report and block the player immediately.

For reference, Highrise staff will NEVER ask for your password or safety lock pin.

Secure your account

Here are some tips on keeping your account information safe:

  1. Set an email address for your account that has not been involved in any database leaks. You can check if your account has even been breached here:

  2. Set up 2-factor authentication (2FA) if available on this email. This ensures no one can gain access to this email address and reset your password. For example, here is Gmail’s guide for enabling 2FA:

  3. Use a secure password - Do not set a password that is easy to guess or that you've used on other applications. Set something unique with at least 8 characters. Make sure to include punctuation and random characters (@,!,&); doing this makes it nearly impossible for a player to guess your password. You can even use an application that can generate and store extremely secure passwords for you, and the best part is it's free -

  4. Enable our Safety Lock feature to prevent players who access your account from removing any items without knowing your pin.

Block and report when necessary

If you no longer want a player to contact or interact with you, use the block feature to prevent messaging, tagging, and room visits. To block, go to their profile, click the three dots, and select ‘Block player’.

If a player violates our guidelines, report them by clicking the three dots on their profile and selecting ‘Report’, or click the flag icon on their mini-profile in a room. We encourage reporting suspicious activity, such as explicit content, bullying, harassment, illegal activities, fraud, scams, and fake profiles.

We prioritize urgent reports and pass details to authorities when needed. Helpline contact details are also available.

Upload videos and images responsibly

The general rule is once something has been uploaded to the internet, it is there forever. Please keep this in mind when deciding what to upload to your feed. Players can repost your photos and videos, take screenshots, download them, etc. So make sure you’re okay with this before hitting the post button.

Confirm your age

Players are asked for their date of birth when they sign up. You must be 13 or older to play Highrise. Accounts under 18 have restrictions and are subject to stricter moderation for safety. If we identify a player as underage, or if they're reported, we may remove them. We now offer age self-verification, which helps improve security for all players and may give access to 18+ content in the future!

Follow the Community Guidelines

We have rules in place to keep Highrise safe. Everyone receives a link to our Community Guidelines when they join Highrise. If they break any of these rules, we take action. We want to engage and educate players, so the first step is often a warning message about their behavior. If they continue misbehaving, we may permanently suspend their account.

Be aware of our moderation tools and reporting features

We use human moderators and an AI-powered moderation platform to detect content that may break our Community Guidelines. This includes:

  • Detecting underage players.

  • Filtering out inappropriate chat messages.

  • Filtering out inappropriate posts and photos.

  • Flagging bad actors for investigation.

We’re working hard to improve our technical tools and moderation techniques all the time.

Further info and support:

➡️ Childnet

➡️ Internet Watch Foundation



➡️ Thinkuknow

➡️ UK Safer Internet Centre

➡️ Kids Helpline

➡️ Netsafe

➡️ Office of the eSafety Commissioner

➡️ Canada Safety Council

➡️ Better Internet for Kids

➡️ Get Cyber Safe

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